Boogie Nights

A sweary hyperactive maritime professional, really very keen on laughing a lot, doing their best to avoid all the trappings of societies' expectations by acting on impulse to any adventurous idea that wafts by. Let's go!

bienvenu, hola, ciao!

04 July 2012

a bit of fluff

Forgive me Boogie Nights for I have been unfaithful.
A twin hulled mini minx caught my eye for a couple of weeks, but I am back... I promise I wont stray again (for a while)

But I have been spoilt and now I expect speeds in excess of 10 knots all the time.

Thanks to Mark Ramsden of for sending me this picture of me taking a picture of him taking a picture of me....

1 comment:

  1. Great artical in Yachting Monthly Jayne.

    Mike Smethurst.


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