Boogie Nights

A sweary hyperactive maritime professional, really very keen on laughing a lot, doing their best to avoid all the trappings of societies' expectations by acting on impulse to any adventurous idea that wafts by. Let's go!

bienvenu, hola, ciao!

About us

Boogie Nights -  A Dehler 36 CWS with a difference

Boogie Nights is rigged and set up for short handed and solo competitive offshore sailing.

Overseas visitors are especially welcome and guest sails are a regular thing. If you want to come sailing, just send us a message to see when's the next available slot. 

Boogie Nights is or takes part in:

  • A Media hub
  • Corinthian Off-shore racing 
  • Sail instruction/introduction
  • Entertainment & social

Boogie Nights 2014

have a snoop inside

The skipper, Captain Flashheart, is a yachting, motorbiking, cycling and adventure journalist and photographer.

On and around boats since four years old, if it floats then chances are she'll have a go. Also a university lecturer in features journalism, runs a small publishing company and a marine and offshore sewn solutions business and has a penchant for telling tall tales. 
Keen to promote extreme cake baking. 

Current ongoing project -  The Funny Way Round. A solo, nonstop round Britain event.

Blog host, skipper and MADventurer,
Captain Flashheart

The Ships Dog, a chihuahua called Banjo.

A well travelled faithful companion, he's been seen riding pillion on motorbikes, shotgun on pushbikes, cadging a lift on marina trolleys and knows which dinghy to hop into for his ride home.
Generally happy to be part of the human zoo, he's been known to take exception to a random selection of people and animals. Their ankles are the object of his wrath. He alone knows why.
Also a keen plane spotter, he always keeps an eye on the sky. 

Proximity alarm - ships dog in a hat

Expert at sleep based activities. 

see more of him here

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