Boogie Nights

A sweary hyperactive maritime professional, really very keen on laughing a lot, doing their best to avoid all the trappings of societies' expectations by acting on impulse to any adventurous idea that wafts by. Let's go!

bienvenu, hola, ciao!

07 March 2011

Welcome to bradbury

In search of some sailing action to photograph this weekend and with no signs of any white triangles around Burnham on crouch, I headed up north east towards bradbury which is on the blackwater and colne estuary. A short 7 mile drive.
The area all around burnham to bradbury is as quiet an area as any peace loving person could wish for. Smooth tarmac, barely any cars, birds singing, no noise pollution. A generally lovely place.

But then, when I pulled into the entrance to Bradwell marina I was suprised at the number or warning notices all over the place. At the entrance is a sign warning that its a working boat yard, please take care.

A little further down the drive, another sign, STOP, contact security. Which of course I didn't and discovered at the end, no where to park for free. The car park is protected by a barrier, a pound to go in! Welcome visitors, welcome and give us your money.

I parked my car on the driveway and abandoned it while I went for a look at the marina and its access from the river.
There was a nice grassy bank, beside it, a sign forbidding picnics.

As I wandered along a grassy bank, another sign giving rules for use of the slip way, banning jet skis, and a whole host of other water craft.

At the end of the grassy bank was a footpath linking across to another area with another slipway, accessed by the road. Thee gate was sporting a sign, all access forbidden. No entry.

Back up towards the control tower I wandered around for a moment, bouncing from one forbidding barrier to another. BRADWELL it seems must be some hive of criminal attention given the sheer amount of signs they have up forbidding everything but breathing. In such a sleepy place I cant imagine why they would have a pay for car park, when if we compare to the thames, there are plenty of places to park for free at the marinas along there.

I cant help but feel that bradwell marina is one of the most unwelcoming places ive visited. Sure, the people there are probably nice, but they should take a look through the eyes of a stranger at what its like to visit.

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