Boogie Nights

A sweary hyperactive maritime professional, really very keen on laughing a lot, doing their best to avoid all the trappings of societies' expectations by acting on impulse to any adventurous idea that wafts by. Let's go!

bienvenu, hola, ciao!

29 September 2009

confidence battered

So confirdent was I that the oyster would fly through the survey, with obviously expensive bits to think about... that I had already booked the time off work to bring the boat back.

It was never to be though.

With my car in pieces up north, I had to think fast to avoid wasting any valuable time. It seems time and money are inextricably linked.

I rented a car and went for a drive. A long drive.
I had just 4 days allocated to the next round of my search.

I wasnt going to waste time checking into B&B's, the car would be my home for a few days.

Ever tried a Ford Fiesta? Huh? Have you?
Good job I can sleep on a washing line and I'm not too tall is all I'm saying.

 the long drive to pemborke dock was to see an Etap 38, which I really quite liked the look of. But it didn't have the wow factor.
Etap 38

I drove through the night. back out of Wales

to helford river

to see a Beneteau 405 with a cracked mast...
To another Beneteau first with teak decks... that needed replacing

and then on to a sigma 362 in Brighton, which despite being a tip inside, I really liked.

But one Sigma was quickly trumped by a bigger and far better bad ass Sigma 38 on the Isle Of Wight
I spent hours on this one. I loved it. really.
but one more boat to view before I make any descisions.
the feeling, in Holland, after a quick trip on the eurostar and in a little rented fiat 500, I found my way to see this. it was absolutely lovely. really. and the salesman was the hottest, but coolest guy Id seen in a long time.
back to the here and now...

I put an offer on the Sigma 38.


waited some more.

then after what seemed an age. the Broker came back to me and said that the owner had just sold it to a friend.
it was the only one that really sang to me.
back to square one.

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