Boogie Nights

A sweary hyperactive maritime professional, really very keen on laughing a lot, doing their best to avoid all the trappings of societies' expectations by acting on impulse to any adventurous idea that wafts by. Let's go!

bienvenu, hola, ciao!

22 December 2010

if you want a job doing...

Now then, I seem to recall us being in and trying to get out of a recession.
You'd think that this would spark off a little urgency in the working people, those who run small businesses and so on.

Well, I've been trying to get someone to come and have a look at a P-bracket that needs 'a fixin' and blow me if they all can't be bloody arsed. I've been told its because marine engineers don't take women seriously. I find this hard to believe. My money and boat is no different to anyone elses is it? There's no hidden double x chromosome inside my money that makes it 2nd class. But this is the level of enthusiasm I've received thus far. I want a job doing. Have money, cash money to pay for it and no-one seems to have any hunger for my business.

So, talking of business, there was a whole sorry episode in late August when I had my premier primo bellissimo uber dooper Italian stallion swishy flashy bike stolen from a supposedly secure building in London. This sparked a change in my attitude and it left a large punctuation mark in my novel life. I decided to get on with things.

So I have. I've started my own business again.

It's early days. But I'm practically in full swing already. My canvas sewing machine is poised, as is my domestic sewing machine and my camera equipment is already in regular action.

Meanwhile, my poor boat is out of the water until such time I can find someone to do some work for me. I need someone to push MY boat out. So to speak.

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